The opportunity for a new container terminal in Jasper County is identified.

Bi-state Task Force formed and commissions study to explore opportunity for port development

Jasper Ocean Terminal Joint Project Office created under an Intergovernmental Agreement between South Carolina and Georgia.

Due diligence and baseline studies prepared to develop the JOT concept further

November 16, 2015
Joint Venture Agreement signed between GPA and SCPA to continue the efforts of the Joint Project Office toward developing JOT.

November 24, 2015
JOT Project formally submitted to USACE Charleston District to commence the regulatory review process in accordance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA).

February 10, 2016 
Request submitted to USACE Savannah District to begin reviewing JOT project impacts to federal projects under 33 USC 408.

October 21, 2016
Notice of Intent to begin preparation of the JOT EIS advertised in the Federal Register

Given the magnitude of the proposed project and its interrelationship with federal interests, the Joint Venture anticipates the regulatory review and permit efforts will take approximately six years to complete.